Network Updates / Barranquilla, Colombia / 2020-05-18

Siembra Barranquilla — 34,000 trees and counting:

New BreatheLife video showcases Colombian city Barranquilla's ambitious plans to sow greenery, coolness and liveability into its rapid development

Barranquilla, Colombia
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Reading Time: 1 minute

In 2018, Barranquilla made headlines for a plan to plant 250,000 trees over five years through its $100,000 million “Siembra Barranquilla” programme. One aim of the programme is to alleviate the urban heat island effect, to the effect of about 6 degrees lower in places where massive tree-planting is done. They have so far planted more than 34,000 trees, and this is part of a broader plan to achieve the third interim target under the WHO’s air quality guidelines.

“To make change possible in the city, you need two key things. One is clear government vision for the growth of the city and of quality of life. Secondly, the participation of the private sector in a healthy and comprehensive growth of the city.”
Katia Navarro, Director, Siembra Barranquilla
Here’s more about Siembra Barranquilla (in Spanish).
Follow Barranquilla’s clean air journey here.

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Banner photo by Alcadía de Barranquilla