Network Updates / Mexico City / 2020-05-18

EcoBici Mexico City — A pioneering bike-share system, going strong eight years on:

New BreatheLife video showcases Mexico City's popular bike-sharing scheme EcoBici and how it has changed the way its residents move

Mexico City
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From 2008 to 2016, Mexico City introduced a host of new policies and projects to promote non-motorised transport. A bike-share system, ECOBICI, brought segregated bike lanes and massive bike hubs. In eight years of operation, ECOBICI has accumulated over 265,000 registered users with over 35,000 daily trips. Bicycle trips in the city have increased 500 percent.

More than 5,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions have been avoided, equivalent to planting 15,000 trees.

“It is important in a city where we have policies to improve air quality on one hand and at the same time mitigate climate change that people can swap their car for a bicycle.”
Fernanda Rivera, Director General of Road Safety and Sustainable Urban Mobility Systems, Mobility Secretariat, Mexico City
Here’s more about EcoBici (in Spanish and English).
Follow Mexico City’s clean air journey here.

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Photo by Quinn Comendant/CC BY-SA 2.0