Network Updates / Bogor, Indonesia / 2019-04-29

Bogor City develops Clean Air Action Plan, intends to join the BreatheLife network:

Bogor, Indonesia, pilot city of the Integrated Programme for Better Air Quality in Asia, plans for clean air and to join BreatheLife

Bogor, Indonesia
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Bogor City in Indonesia has completed its Clean Air Action Plan in partnership with BreatheLife promoter Clean Air Asia and is planning to join the BreatheLife campaign.

This was carried out under the Integrated Programme for Better Air Quality in Asia (IBAQ Programme), an initiative supported by the Ministry of Environment Japan.

Based on results of the emissions inventory for Bogor City, the CAAP identified the transportation and industry sectors as priority pollution sources. The transportation sector was the dominant contributor to sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds and fine pollutants (PM2.5), while industries were the dominant contributor to nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide pollutants.

Measures to reduce emissions from the transportation sector include:

1. The promotion of a mass public transportation by resuming Trans-Pakuan BRT operations.
2. Strengthening the vehicle inspection and maintenance program.
3. The promotion of walking and cycling as modes of transportation.

Measures identified in the CAAP to reduce emissions from stationary sources (which include industries) are:

1. Improving the system for emissions testing and tracking industry compliance.
2. Expanding the reach of solid waste collection to reduce the open burning of garbage.
3. Banning rice straw burning and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

 Planning for better air: how Bogor’s CAAP was developed

In developing Bogor’s CAAP for Bogor, Clean Air Asia collaborated with partners from the Association of Indonesian Municipalities, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) and the National Institute of Technology (ITENAS) Bandung.

The IPB team was responsible for consolidating and analyzing existing information on air quality-related data, as well as mapping out city plans and initiatives on air quality management and climate change mitigation.

The ITENAS Bandung team used the IPB team’s outputs and led the drafting of the CAAP. IBAQ activities were conducted in partnership from the Bogor City Planning Agency and the City Environmental Agency.

The CAAP development process also involved two stakeholder consultation workshops in December 2018 and February 2019 as part of the activity’s participatory approach.

On March 28, 2019, the IBAQ Programme team for Bogor City – represented by Naufal Isnaeni and Febby Lestari from the Bogor City Regional Development Planning Agency, Dr Didin Permadi from ITENAS Bandung, and Dr Perdinan from IPB – met with the Bogor City Mayor Dr Bima Arya Sugiarto to present the CAAP. Dr Sugiarto identified priority measures for implementation into the CAAP and integration into the city’s new Medium-Term Development Plan.

The IBAQ Programme team, together with representatives from the City Regional Development Planning Agency and Environmental Agency, will also work together to set air quality targets for Bogor for 2020 to 2024 using baseline data in the CAAP. Targets will be set that take into consideration national ambient air quality standards and WHO guideline values.

Dr Sugiarto expressed his intent to join the BreatheLife Network as part of the city’s commitment to better air quality and climate change mitigation.

The objective of the IBAQ Programme was to strengthen technological and institutional capacity for air quality management and climate change mitigation, and contribute to more livable and healthy cities in Asia. It has been implemented in China, India, Mongolia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia.