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The Issue / Who it Affects

Who it Affects

A Global Problem

Air pollution affects nearly all of us. Only 1 in 10 people breathe safe air according to WHO guidelines. Understanding the scope and impact of air pollution is the first step in keeping our air safe.

Explore below to learn about the state of the air in cities worldwide, including your own.

Impact by the Numbers

New WHO data combines satellite with ground station monitoring to offer a global snapshot of air pollution exposures, closeups of data for 3000 cities and the latest estimates of deaths and disease from air pollution by country.


92% of the world’s population, urban and rural, lives in places with air above WHO guidelines.


56% of cities and towns monitoring pollution locally have levels 3 ½ times or more above WHO guidelines.


87% of deaths from outdoor air pollution occur in low- and middle-income countries.

Air Pollution is on the Rise

Between 2008 and 2013, global urban air pollution levels increased by 8% among cities that monitored air pollution.


Cities are seeing progress

By supporting solutions that reduce air pollutants, including short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), cities around the world have achieved dramatic progress in just a few years:


Almost half of cities monitoring air pollution in high-income countries reduced air pollution levels by 5% between 2008-2013.


Almost one third of low- and middle-income countries monitoring air pollution have reduced air pollution levels by 5% between 2008-2013.

We have proven solutions to combat air pollution.

By reducing air pollution to WHO guidelines by 2030 we can cut the deaths caused each year by millions.

Explore Solutions
See how the air in your city fares.

Explore the data from 3,000 cities across the world and see how it is impacting your health.

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