Network Updates / Bangkok, Thailand / 2020-08-17

Webinar on Emissions Inventory for Inland Water Transport in Bangkok, Thailand:

A one-hour webinar estimating emissions of black carbon and other pollutants for inland water transport in Bangkok, focusing on public boats in Chao Phraya river and Saen Seap canal

Bangkok, Thailand
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Reading Time: 1 minute

Bangkok, Thailand, has an extensive water transport system serving passengers and trade crossing or travelling along the Chao Phraya River, one of Southeast Asia’s iconic waterways, as well as certain canals.

At the request of the Thai Pollution Control Department, the Climate and Clean Air Coalition supported a study that aimed at estimating emissions of black carbon and other pollutants for inland water transport in Bangkok, focusing on public boats in Chao Phraya river and Saen Seap canal.

The specific objectives of this study are (1) To estimate spatial and temporal emissions for inland water transport in Chao Phraya river and Saen Saep canal; (2) To develop an excel calculation tool for inland water transport emissions estimation; and (3) To identify policies and measures to reduce emissions from inland water transport in Bangkok.

Research was undertaken by Dr. Ekbordin Winijkul and his team from the Asian Institute of Technology.

This one-hour webinar will present the results of the study as well as hear from the Thai Government their response and plan of action based on the recommendations.

Webinar on the Emissions Inventory for Inland Water Transport in Bangkok, Thailand

20 August, 2020
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM CEST
Online event


1) Opening of webinar and instructions – Ms Denise San Valentin, CCAC Secretariat
2) Introduction: Overview of transport emissions and environmental issues in Asia – Mr Bert Fabian, UNEP
3) Emissions Inventory for Inland Water Transport in Bangkok, Thailand: Results and Recommendations – Dr Ekbordin Winijkul
4) Response and Planned Action based on the Project Results – Mr. Thalearngsak Phetsuwan, DDG, Thai Pollution Control Department
5) Questions and Answers/Discussion

If you would like to attend this webinar, please contact Denise San Valentin of the CCAC Secretariat: [email protected]