Network Updates / United Kingdom / 2017-06-13

UK celebrates first National Clean Air Day:
Launches website & photo competition

June 15 is National Clean Air Day

United Kingdom
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June 15 is the UK’s first-ever National Clean Air Day! People all over the country are taking the opportunity to start conversations about the risks of air pollution… and why clean air matters to our families and our future.

The good news is, there’s a lot we can do right now to improve the air we breathe.

You can find out more about National Clean Air Day at the the newly launched website:

Read important facts about what causes air pollution, why air pollution is harmful, and how we can stop it.

Boost your expertise on air pollution with the FAQ.

Download useful and easy-to-use toolkits to help you talk about air pollution with your workplace, school, social network and community.

Join the social media Thunderclap and make your voice heard.

Take your own National Clean Air Day pledge. What will you do to fight air pollution in your community?

Then… participate in the National Clean Air Day Photo Competition! Submit a photo of YOU doing your part to fight air pollution and you could win a £100 voucher.

Don’t forget to share your photo with hashtags #BreatheLife and #NationalCleanAirDay!