Network Updates / Seoul, Republic of Korea / 2019-04-27

Special feature: Invitation to join global cities at the Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement:

The City of Seoul invites cities of the world to meet the common challenge of air pollution at the Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement

Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Special feature

Invitation to join global cities at the Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement

Seoul’s average PM2.5 concentrations (23 μg/m3, 2018) are 2.3 times higher than the safe limit (10 μg/m3) set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Citizens in Seoul are deeply concerned about this severe particle pollution because air pollution causes severe health impacts.

Seoul is taking various air quality control measures to address each particle pollution source to protect the health of its ten million citizens from air pollution. Seoul is not alone in this endeavour.

On 22-23 May, 2019, global cities battling air pollution will gather for the Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement to share their best practices and join hands to meet the common challenge of particle pollution.

The theme of this year’s forum is ‘How to Improve Air Quality with Citizens’. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Director of UNEP Asia Pacific Regional Office and Byung-ok Ahn, Co-Head of the Presidential Pan-National Joint Organization for Particle Pollution Control and Former Vice Minister of Environment of Republic of Korea will deliver keynote addresses.

Twenty global city officials from countries such as China, Japan, Mongolia, Singapore and Vietnam, and representatives of major global networks including CCAC, C40, ICLEI and GUAPO will promote solutions to reduce air pollution.

The two-day forum consists of five sessions to address Vehicle Emissions Reduction, Stationary Emissions Reduction, Urban Forest, City Networks for Clean Air, and Civic Engagement.

The annual Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement was first held in 2010, and numerous cities from China, Japan, Mongolia and Southeast Asian countries and World Health Organization, UN Environment, C40 and other global networks have participated in the forum since then.

Seoul became the first East Asia BreatheLife city in September 2018, and looks forward to welcoming other members of the BreatheLife Network to the Seoul International Forum on Air Quality Improvement.

For further information and registration for participation: