Clean air and water, resilience, economic vitality and equity form the foundations of the SA Tomorrow Sustainability Plan, San Antonio’s comprehensive roadmap for sustainable urban growth.
Over 4,000 San Antonians were canvassed and consulted in the development of the plan in a variety of ways, with particular personal attention paid to the traditionally disenfranchised members of the community.
The Sustainability Steering Committee, consisting of 31 professionals representing a diverse group of organizations, helped the City identify appropriate goals, strategies and targets for measures of success for each of the Plan’s focus areas.
The City of San Antonio Leadership Team, which consisted of all the Directors and Deputy Directors of each municipal department, was instrumental to the development of the “Leading By Example” strategies within the plan.
The plan is built on fundamental urban issues: energy, the food system, green buildings and infrastructure, land use and transportation, natural resources and public health.
Importantly, it includes goals, strategies and metrics of success to be tracked and reported each year.
For more information on the SA Tomorrow Sustainability Plan, see here.
Details of the plan, which includes the modalities of stakeholder engagement, may be found here.