Network Updates / San Antonio, Texas, United States / 2017-12-17

Renewable energy innovation transforms San Antonio’s economic development:

Jobs, investment, green energy and clean air: city is charting a New Energy Economy legacy

San Antonio, Texas, United States
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San Antonio is living, breathing proof that renewable energy can be pillar of economic development.

In the seven years that it has been in place, the New Energy Economy has led to more than $1.4 billion in annual economic impact, the creation of hundreds of jobs and over $200 million in educational and capital investment– among many other benefits.

San Antonio’s Bexar County was found to be second in Texas for solar jobs, at 1,665 workers employed in the solar industry in 2016.

San Antonio is now home to the largest solar plant in Texas, also one of the largest dual-axis solar projects in the world.

The city is fast becoming a hub for renewable energy innovation, solar manufacturing and clean energy technology, and is a national leader in green research technology.

The city is on its way to meeting its commitment to making cleaner, renewable energy 20 per cent of San Antonio’s generation resources by 2020.

You can find details of San Antonio’s New Energy Economy here.