Network Updates / Santiago, Chile / 2017-01-24

Interview with Marcelo Mena, Chile’s Minister of the Environment:
Remarks from a founder of Santiago Respira

Marcelo Mena shares his vision for clean air

Santiago, Chile
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Reading Time: 1 minute

Marcelo Mena, Chile’s Minister of the Environment, took time to talk about Santiago Respira, a new initiative by Chile’s capital city to improve its air quality.

Santiago has taken steps in the past to reduce its emissions, but because of its terrain and climate, air quality can get particularly bad during the winter. Santiago’s citizens are acutely aware of this; in surveys, up to 80 percent of residents identify poor air quality as the biggest environmental challenge they face.

Inspired by the BreatheLife campaign, Santiago Respira aims to improve air quality through solutions that target multiple sectors such as energy, transportation, and waste management.

Watch Mena’s remarks below.