Network Updates / London, United Kingdom / 2018-02-13

London schools to be alerted on high pollution days:

Schools will be alerted on high pollution days in London to trigger precautionary measures

London, United Kingdom
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Schools will be alerted on high pollution days, allowing them to take precautionary measures to protect the health of children, among the most vulnerable populations to the health impacts of bad air quality.

Train stations and bus stops already receive alerts from the office of the mayor of London, when pollution levels hit dangerous levels.

Air pollution kills close to 9,500 people in London every year, among the 6.5 million people across the world who die from bad air quality.

In fact, the vast majority of city dwellers in the world live breathe air that does not meet World Health Organization guidelines for air quality.

The mayor of London said that general practitioners’ surgeries and care homes will be included in the alert system “in the near future”.