Network Updates / Bogota, Colombia / 2018-07-02

Join the BreatheLife campaign to help reduce deaths by air pollution: PAHO:

Pan American Health Organization urges people to join BreatheLife to bring down deaths by air pollution

Bogota, Colombia
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Reading Time: 1 minute

The Pan American Health Organization has urged people to join BreatheLife, known in Spanish as Respira la Vida, to bring down air pollution’s death toll of 7 million people per year.

In a dialogue with CLI-MAX of NTN24, Marcelo Korc, spokesperson for PAHO, the specialized international health agency for the Americas, spelled out the implications of air pollution for the region while encouraging people to join the campaign, which aims to reduce deaths by air pollution by half.

Premature deaths from the effects of air pollution outnumber those by AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined.

Many of the rapidly-growing cities and megacities of the Americas contend with pollution from traffic congestion and emissions from industry and municipal waste– problems they share with urban conurbations all over the world.

Spanish speakers may watch the feature here:

Más de seis millones de personas mueren anualmente por contaminación del aire