The 29th Pan American Sanitary Conference met September 25-29 in Washington, DC, hosted by the Pan American Health Organization and the World Health Organization. This annual conference brings together ministers of health and other high-level delegates from across the Americas. Participants share information and ideas about preventing disease and promoting health.
The conference also featured the now-famous 3D BreatheLife exhibit, created by noted illustrator Kurt Wenner. The exhibit is designed to reflect the contrast between a polluted future for cities and the clean, healthy future the BreatheLife campaign is working toward.
Participants are invited to take photos against the backdrop of this BreatheLife exhibit. As at past events, this clean air “photo op” received an enthusiastic reception! We’re happy to share these smiling faces and strong messages on behalf of a healthier future.
Washington, DC, is the first major US city to join the BreatheLife campaign, announcing their support on September 22. The District has long demonstrated leadership on climate and air quality issues, striving toward a more sustainable city through forward-thinking actions from improved public transport to healthier food systems.