Bus fleets provide widely affordable low carbon transportation around the world. But urban buses are powered predominantly by diesel engines, accounting for approximately 25% of the black carbon emitted by the transportation sector. Future investments in low-carbon urban bus fleets should be coupled with clean fuels and soot-free engine technologies. In this way, local officials can preserve the clean air and climate benefits of their investments in urban bus fleets.
The Soot-Free Urban Bus Fleets project of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) aims to accelerate the global transition to soot-free engine technology in the urban bus fleet. The core activity of this project is to directly inform, motivate, secure, and support the implementation of commitments made by cities to shift toward soot-free engines. This includes not only developing the soot-free commitments together with cities, but also taking the further step of making these commitments a reality – whether through advanced diesel, natural gas, hybrid-electric, electric buses or other soot-free technologies.
The CCAC invites you to attend two webinars on the update on the CCAC Soot-Free Buses Project. Part 1 will focus on progress in Jakarta, Indonesia and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and will be held on April 8, 2020 (Wednesday). Part 2 will focus on progress in Bangalore, India and Johannesburg, South Africa (registration details are below).
These CCAC series of webinars on transport is jointly organized by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), BreatheLife and the CCAC Secretariat with support from the other lead partners of the CCAC Heavy-Duty Vehicles Initiative Canada, Switzerland and United States.
Topics and speakers for Part 2
- Route-level modeling to support zero emission electric bus transitions in Bangalore, India by Tim Dallmann, Senior Researcher ICCT
- Development of a strategy to accelerate the adoption of Soot-free buses in Johannesburg, South Africa by Francisco Posada, Senior Researcher ICCT
- CALAC+ Project in Latin America – Towards a cleaner urban transport by Adrian Montalvo, Director CALAC+, Swisscontact
Chair: Luis Felipi, UNEP Air Quality and Mobility Unit, UNEP and Gianni López, Director, Centro Mario Molina Chile