Network Updates / Aburrá Valley, Colombia / 2017-07-31

Aburrá Valley, Colombia joins the global BreatheLife campaign:

We share the territory, we breathe the same air. Be part of the solution, not the pollution.

Aburrá Valley, Colombia
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In the metropolitan area of ​​ Aburrá Valley and its ten municipalities — Medellín (Colombia’s second-largest city), Barbosa, Girardota, Copacabana, Bello, Itagüí, Sabaneta, La Estrella, Envigado and Caldas — air quality is monitored on an ongoing basis. Work is being done to minimize the impact of air pollution, with medium- and long-term strategies such as fuel improvements, promotion of sustainable transport, control of industrial emissions, and reducing other sources of pollution.

The Aburrá Valley Metropolitan Area joins the BreatheLife Global campaign with an ambitious plan for sustainable solutions for cleaner air.

The great metropolises of the world all face the problem of air pollution, and its harmful effects on human health. This issue is part of the metropolitan reality, and it is everyone’s business, regardless of the current air quality alert level.

Everyone in the region, from governments to citizens, has a vital contribution to make. And with changes to simple habits, we can all be part of the solution — and not the pollution.

The Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley is promoting local actions such as:

Leaving your vehicle at home and using the Integrated System of Transport of Aburrá Valley (SITVA)
Using alternate means of transportation, like a bicycle
Holding business meetings over the Internet
Completing administrative tasks such as paperwork and payments over the Internet
Keeping traffic flowing around schools, banks and expressways

These actions, along with many others, add up to promote better air quality.

Aburrá Valley’s unique climate and geography make the territory more vulnerable to air pollution. Although it is not possible to control the topography or the clouds that cover the Valley, it is possible to control the region’s emissions. So metropolitan Aburrá Valley is coming together as an institution to seek opportunities for sustainable development and give citizens and residents a better quality of life.

Learn more at the links: