With your commitment to walk, cycle, or take public transport instead of drive for the distance of a marathon this month, you’ll be reducing emissions by:



* Based on average fuel consumption and age of cars worldwide (UN Environment Mobility Unit)

Invite friends to join you:

I’m doing a marathon for the BreatheLife Challenge. This month, join me to help reach the collective goal of 7 million km for the 7 million lives lost to air pollution each year. #breathelife

I’m doing a marathon for the BreatheLife Challenge. This month, join me to help reach the collective goal of 7 million km for the 7 million lives lost to air pollution each year. #breathelife

Stories to Power Your Challenge

How to plan your first week

Track and share your Challenge

Discover how the air in your city impacts you

Explore new data released in May 2018 by WHO showing the health impact of air pollution in 4,000 cities around the world.

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