BreatheLife Member

Trinidad and Tobago

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Trinidad and Tobago plans to hit an interim target for fine particulate pollution under WHO air quality guidelines by 2025, among other actions, through tightening its Air Pollution Rules and upholding its commitment to the Paris Agreement, which involves a complementary goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions from major emitting sectors by 15 per cent on business-as-usual levels by 2030.

Trinidad and Tobago has one of the most industrialized economies in the English-speaking Caribbean and is one of the first countries in the world to exploit oil and gas resources. The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago recognises industry as a priority in our efforts to improve air quality, and our strategy engages all relevant sectors, emitters and stakeholders ā€” including the public through monitoring and transparent reporting of air quality and its links to health effects and providing guidelines ā€” in order to tackle the highly linked challenges of air pollution and climate change as efficiently and effectively as possible."

Hayden Romano, Managing Director, Environmental Management Authority