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Plateau, Benin

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Located in the southeast of the Republic of Benin, the region of Plateau is home to about 700,000 people. The area is an industrial one, with four major factories that produce cement, oil and cotton, but also contribute to air pollution in the region. Plateau, Benin joins the BreatheLife campaign to aid its efforts toward cleaner air and more sustainable development.

The Community of Plateau Communes is an industrial region that produces cement, mills oil and gins cotton. We also have mini oil mills and small agro-food processing units. Accordingly, when it comes to protecting our population’s health from the effects of air pollution, our natural focus is therefore advocating for cleaner production in these sectors. But we also prioritise reforestation, both for air quality and climate benefits, and aim to practice agriculture that respects sustainable development. Our region also pools efforts to improve the management and treatment of household solid waste. We are promoting solar lighting and low-emission stoves and fuels. We look forward to drawing on the expertise and experiences of other BreatheLife members to further improve our effort.