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Lalitpur Metropolitan City, Nepal

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The ancient, heritage-rich city of Lalitpur plans to minimize road dust, increase reforestation and green spaces, invest in improving its public transport system, support air pollution monitoring, improve waste management systems and crack down on open burning— all as part of efforts to improve air quality for its 284,000 citizens. Lalitpur is one of two major cities that have taken a leading role in uniting the municipalities of the Kathmandu Valley toward the shared goal of reducing air pollution in the region.

Air pollution is a common problem for all municipalities in the Kathmandu Valley. Lalitpur Metropolitan City is taking action in all relevant areas to reach our collective air quality goals, because we understand that no matter how much good work municipalities do in other sectors, success will be limited if we fail to improve our environment.”

Chiribabu Maharjan, Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City