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Galicia, Spain

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Galicia, the most northwestern region of Spain, home to over 2.7 million inhabitants, already meets European Union legal limits for air quality across all pollutants, and has joined the BreatheLife campaign with a voluntary commitment to achieve World Health Organization air quality guidelines as soon as possible, but at the latest by 2030.

Galicia is one of the first European regions to commit to achieving a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions target. The Galician Strategy for Climate Change and Energy 2050 includes many measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions while resulting in an improvement in air quality. These measures will also be included in the guidelines for improving air quality that are currently in production. Xunta de Galicia, the regional government in the region, is also committed to Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and indicators relating to air quality have been included in the plan for implementing Agenda 2030 in Galicia. Although Galicia has been working to improve the air quality, there is still work to be done to achieve this objective; in order to do so, we recognize that sustainable urban and rural development, mitigation of climate change, air quality and health are interrelated."

María Cruz Ferreira Costa Director-General of Environmental Quality and Climate Change at the Regional Ministry of Environment Territory and Housing, Xunta de Galicia