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Dehradun, India

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Dehradun aims to become a Center of Excellence on Air Quality by pooling technical expertise in the city to undertake rigorous air quality research and implement a bold air quality action plan. Dehradun city is placing restrictions on waste burning and is reducing air pollution by making improvements to the transport and waste management systems and promoting the use of clean household fuels and technologies. By building awareness among the general public, combined with a robust city air quality action plan the city hopes to address a growing problem of air pollution in Indian cities.

Many Indian cities are suffering from alarmingly high rates of air pollution emissions. While India has specified national ambient air quality standards, many cities have not been able to meet these standards. It is in view of this and the growing demand for clean air, the central government under the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) announced a comprehensive plan to overcome the challenges in over a hundred nonattainment cities The objective of the proposed clean air action plan is to meet the prescribed annual average ambient air quality standards at Dehradun City.

Clean Air Action Plan
The Air Pollution in

Dehradun , India

Member BreatheLife
THE SAFE LEVEL PM2.5 annual exposure*

*PM 2.5 concentrations measured in micrograms of particles per cubic meter of air (µg/m3) Data: WHO Global Platform on Air Quality & Health

WHO Guideline (10)Lowest level at which premature mortality risk increases in response to long-term exposure

Interim target 1 (35)Associated with 15% higher premature mortality relative to the WHO guideline of 10 µg/m3

Interim target 2 (25)Associated with 6% lower premature mortality risk relative to Interim Target 1 (35 µg/m3)

Interim target 3 (15)Associated with 6% lower premature mortality risk relative to Interim Target 2 (25 µg/m3)

More about the data

Air Quality & Health Burden India

1,795,181 Annual Deaths from air pollution

Leading Killer

Ischemic heart disease

National Air Quality


annual average PM 2.5


Leading Killer

Ischemic heart disease

Child Deaths (0-5yrs)


per year