Solar permits issued in the District of Colombia doubled in the 2019 fiscal year compared to the previous year, attributed to supportive legislation and a streamlining of processes that have made it easier and more attractive for homeowners to take the solar route, according to local news media.
The dramatic increase, which is triple on 2015 fiscal year figures, has been attributed to several developments, including a strengthened renewable energy mandate, which requires that an increasing percentage of electricity come from solar (1.85% in 2019 to 10% in 2040) come from local solar, creating a strong district-wide market for solar credits, which boosts affordability for homeowners and profitability for solar businesses.
Authorities also moved the the permit application process online and made it much less cumbersome: plans and photos can now be uploaded and projects approved online, a departure from the previous requirement of being physically present to submit applications.
In January 2019, Washington, D.C. set a legal mandate of 100 per cent renewable electricity by the year 2032, up from the previous 50 per cent renewables by 2032, making it one of the most ambitious renewable portfolio standards on the books in the country.
Read more:
Solar Permits More Than Doubled In D.C. Last Year – WAMU
Solar Permits Skyrocketed in DC This Year – The DC Post
Banner photo by Stefano Paltera/US Dept. of Energy Solar Decathlon