Explore below to learn about the state of the air in cities worldwide, including your own.
92% of the world’s population, urban and rural, lives in places with air above WHO guidelines.
56% of cities and towns monitoring pollution locally have levels 3 ½ times or more above WHO guidelines.
87% of deaths from outdoor air pollution occur in low- and middle-income countries.
By supporting solutions that reduce air pollutants, including short-lived climate pollutants (SLCPs), cities around the world have achieved dramatic progress in just a few years:
Almost half of cities monitoring air pollution in high-income countries reduced air pollution levels by 5% between 2008-2013.
Almost one third of low- and middle-income countries monitoring air pollution have reduced air pollution levels by 5% between 2008-2013.
By reducing air pollution to WHO guidelines by 2030 we can cut the deaths caused each year by millions.
Explore the data from 3,000 cities across the world and see how it is impacting your health.