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Commit to clean air for health

Keep the commitments coming

Leaders at the first WHO Global Conference on Climate & Health, including members of the BreatheLife Network, made commitments to advance local clean air solutions.

Our Goal

Cut 2/3 of the 7 million deaths from air pollution by 2030

Join cities, regions, countries and organizations all over the world working towards making it safe to breathe.

Select a commitment type:

Goals, standards & plans

  • Establish national air quality standards based on the WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines

  • Include air pollution reduction strategies in policies for tackling non-communicable diseases

  • Set a goal to reach WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines levels or interim levels for PM2.5 by a certain year

Policies & investments

  • Reduce emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (methane, black carbon, hydrofluorocarbons)

  • Urgently implement the Paris Agreement and scale-up ambition

Monitoring & forecasting

  • Support air quality monitors in exposure hotspots, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces

  • Ensure proper management, financial sustainability and maintenance of air quality monitors

  • Expand disease surveillance systems (e.g. ISDR) to report on diseases linked to air pollution


  • Research on effective interventions to improve air quality and improve health, and limit climate change

  • Research on transboundary pathways of pollutants with impacts on ecosystems and climate.

Advocacy & raising awareness

  • Join the BreatheLife campaign, and build public support for bold actions

  • Establish other multilateral initiatives etc. across organizations to improve ambient and/or household air quality

Capacity, education & training

  • Include air pollution related issues in public health and medical educational programs

  • Improve general knowledge of air pollution in education policies and programmes

  • Train health workers to educate patients for dealing with episodes of high air pollution